You definitely don't want to waste you money on a tool that won't work. As a pet groomer with over 30 years experience, I've heard it over and over again that someone bought a pair of clippers and they were junk. Let's not get into why, just how to avoid wasting your money.
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If you are looking to save money on grooming your pet at home, just get the better tools. You'll avoid going through it all again.
The best overall value: Andis UltraEdge Super 2-Speed
The best value for thick coats and goldendoodles:
(this is the one I use in my salon) The Andis Excel Professional 5-Speed
The basic blade for areas like sanitary or paw pads:
Clip with the grain of the hair at all times with this blade or else it will be doubly as short. (With cats you can clip in reverse for a smooth cut)
(length is comparable to the top of a Golden Retrievers' nose)
Clipping against the grain of the hair will cut twice as short.
The 1/4" Medium length clipper blade #5F (comparable to the length on the top of a German Shepard head or like this little Bichon has on his body:

The 3/8" Medium- long clipper blade #4 . This little
Pomeranian has a haircut that the customers love :
If you make good choices and get the best clippers that your budget can afford, you'll be able to groom your dog in the comfort of their own home and save hundreds of dollars in the long run.
Safety Disclaimer: The tools recommended in this article are meant as recommendations and are to be used with great care and caution. Always be sure the blade is flat to the skin and that there are no skin webbings or loose skin for the blade to catch.